Other Things
General Config
Basic Config
Game Config
Mutator Config
Client Config
Other Things
Do's and Donots
Known Bugs

Other bits of information


In here the Admin will see 2 types of Map information but cannot do anything with them except delete them if wishes to do so.


When an Admin brings up the VoteMenu the About button becomes a Reject/Restore button and he can reject or restore maps.
These maps end up here


If a game has a MapLimit set to it, once that map has been voted for and accepted it ends up here until its LevelCount has count down to 0


This is where the top Voted and Opinion related maps end up for Admin viewing.


This section is used internally and stores all the information from Players that have been kicked off, or voted off your server.
The only time you will set anything manually here is if you want to ban someone on a permanent basis.


To do this change whatever the Levels= says, to Levels=111

MapList Command Lines

UT2Vote now recognises Commandlines added to a map in a MapList in UT2003.ini


If UseMapList=True in the GameType then the following is available to Admin.

Mutate UT2VoteLogin Password

Mutate UT2VoteMapList Add Mapname Mutator=UnrealGame.MutLowGrav?MaxPlayers=6

If the map already exists in the MapList the commandline will be replaced with this one.
If the map does not exist, the new map and commandline will be added to the maplist.

Mutate UT2VoteMapList Remove Mapname

This will remove the map and its commands if any from the MapList.

Mutate UT2VoteMapList Show Mapname

This will display the map and its commands in the console (if the map exists)

NB. If a Mutator is added to the Map then the Mutator(s) MUST come first in the string.

The MapList commands will take top priority so if you have a same command elsewhere like ServerMuts or the Game Commandstring, it will be ignored.

Mutator Priority Loading

Whenever a level or game is loading the Mutators will be loaded in the following order of priority:

1. MapName
2. Game Class
3. UT2Vote
4. GameType Mutators=
5. Voted Arenas
6. Mutator Voted
7. MapList Mutators
8. ServerMuts=
9. GameType Commands=
10. MapList Commands
11. ServerLine=

This means that the ServerMuts has the highest priority in Mutators and the ServerLine the highest for commands.

[Features] [Changes] [Installation] [General Config] [Basic Config] [Game Config] [Mutator Config] [Client Config] [Other Things] [Do's and Donots] [Known Bugs]