Game Config
General Config
Basic Config
Game Config
Mutator Config
Client Config
Other Things
Do's and Donots
Known Bugs

Game configuration settings

UT2Vote now gives all the setup power to the Admin and lets him/her decide how many games, what configurations and what Mutators etc, each individual game should have.
In the UT2Vote21.ini file you will see a heading:


Here every game, whether default or custom will be setup all in one line and can be individually configured.
Actually only the initial creation needs to be done here and the rest can be done with the ingame AdminMenu.
UT2Vote is supplied with the 17 default Games.
The 8 original and 8 additional which are extensions to the original so that you can define any of these 8 with special Mutators.
These additional 8 games have classnames as UT2Vote21.xDeathMatch and all have the Mutator InstaGib but can be changed to whatever you want.

When creating another Game entry, just copy and paste any one of them then go and change the necessary configurations.
There are a few that need to be done in the UT2Vote21.ini file before you setup the rest in the AdminMenu, although you can do the whole lot here if you so wish.

Here I will give an example of how to create a new Game and go through each setting in detail.
A typical GameType configuration looks like this: (all in one line)

GameType=(GameName="Capture the Flag",AllowVote=True,Hide=False,Clan=True,RequiredPlayers=2,

So lets say we have just copied and pasted that line and want to change it to DeathBall.


This is one of the most important entries you make as a lot depends on the GameName.
The actual length of the GameName depends on how many games you can fit into UT2Vote... let me explain.
The way in which UT2Vote sends the information to the client is different to most.
UT2Vote can send a maximum of 440 characters to the Clients GameMenu so....
Lets take a name like "Capture the Flag" which has 16 characters.
So if all the games had 16 characters that would be 440 / (16 + 1) the + 1 is the comma that seperates each game.
This means UT2Vote can handle 25 games. Any others would be dumped.
Fortunately most games have short names and you can call it what you like.
Please Note: no commas or fullstops are allowed in a GameName.
So in our example GameName="Death Ball"


Self explanatory, if set to True then it will appear in the GamesMenu and players can vote for it.
If however it is set to false, UT2Vote will completely ignore it as if it does not even exist.
In our example AllowVote=True


If set to True, then only the Admin will see the Game in the Menu and not the Players.


If set to False, then a ClanAdmin will not see this Game in a ClanSetup.
This should be set to False for all DeathMatch type Games


Here you stipulate the minumum number of Yes votes required for this game to be played.
in our example lets say RequiredPlayers=4 as DeathBall is boring with only 2 players.


For the want of a better name, but this is the number of Levels that go by before any Map can be vcoted for again in this game. 0 means its always available on every level.
In our example lets make it MapLimits=1


This is the Servername you want to appear in the UTBrowser or any browser for that matter and is usefull for when this gametype is playing as it identifies what game is being played. If it is just "" or "None" then it wont get used.
In our example we will call it ServerName="ProAsm's Deathball Game"


If set to False, then UT2Vote will use all the maps in the Maps folder otherwise if set to True, UT2Vote will use the maps found in this games default maplist. Just make sure you have selected some maps in the mapslist which can be done from WebAdmin or directly in your UT2003.ini file.
In our case we set it to UseMapList=False


This is very important especially if this becomes your DefaultGameClass.
Here you set the name of a default map that UT2Vote will use if this gametype is selected to do an auto defaultgame switch.
In our example we use DefaultMap="DB-Cube"


Without this the MapVoteMenu will CRASH and display all sorts of garbage so make sure its correct and in uppercase.
In our example it will be MapPrefix="DB"


Here I'm going to spend a bit of time here as this confuses many Admin as they often end up putting all sorts of garbage in here.
Its only a pity that Modders don't mention there Game or Mutator ClassNames in their Readme files.... such a pity
Some things to remember about a ClassName is it will ALWAYS be 2 names seperated by a period.
The best way to find a Game, Mod or Mutators ClassName is to look in the INT file that comes with that Mod.

What you are interested in, in all cases is the part between the Name= and the very next ',' comma.
In this case it is DeathBall.DB_Deathball
It is of paramount importance that you have this ClassName correct else you will not only crash UT2Vote but you will without a doubt crash your whole server as well, so if you are not 100% sure, either write to the author of the Mod or just dump the mod.
In our example it will be GameClass="DeathBall.DB_Deathball"


Here you enter the Mutators ClassNames you want specifically with this game. If you have more than 1 seperate them with a comma.
Please Note.. nowhere ever do you enter UT2Vote in as a Mutator anywhere as it will see to that itself.
If you dont want any Mutators with this game leave it as "" or "None"
In our example lets leave it as Mutators="None"


Now comes the juicy part as here you setup all the game parameters you want and they are all self explanatory, but we will go through them just incase some of you are still new at startup commands.

This is the fraglimit, goals or the number of flags needed to win the game.

This is the max timelimit allowed for the game. If set to 0, the game will continue till the GoalScore is reached.

This mainly refers to Bots on a server. If set to 2 means if there is only one player, he will play with a Bot.
When a second player joins the game, the Bot will leave and the players carry on. If set to 0, no Bots will be allowed.

The total number of players allowed on a server.

The total number of Spectators allowed on a server.

Set to True or False, depends if this game uses the Translocator or not. If True the Translocator will be used.

Set to True or False, if set to False this game will have its weapons dissapear when picked up and respawned a while later.

Set to True or False, if True and a Team type game, UT2003 will try and balance the teams equally otherwise the players need to do it manually themselves which is sometimes better as UT always screws it up :)

Set to True or False, if True then when a player dies he will immediately be respawn.

Set to True or False, if True then everyone needs to click their Fire button to indicate they are ready before a game can start.

Set between 1 and 7, this is the skill level that the Bots will play at.

Set to True or False, self explanatory, but if you want Bots on your server, set it to False.

This only effects a local Instant Action game and has no effect on a server.
It is basically the number of Bots you want to play with.


There are several other commands you can just add on to the end if you like, but just remember to seperate
each one with a ? (question mark) and keep them within the "" (quotes).

All these commands are available for the Admin in the UT2Vote AdminMenu to change at any time he/she wishes.

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