Basic Config
General Config
Basic Config
Game Config
Mutator Config
Client Config
Other Things
Do's and Donots
Known Bugs

Basic configuration settings

These settings all fall under the heading:


This password will give this Admin the same powers as the ServerAdmin.
In other words he/she will have access to anything and everything at any time and can login in with:
Mutate UT2VoteLogin password

This password will give this Admin the powers to only setup a game for a Clan Match.
Here he will be able to select the GameSetup Menu and do the necessary configurations for a match - again:
Mutate UT2VoteLogin password

These Admin loose there Adminship when they die. They can of course logout with:
Mutate UT2VoteLogout

This password is the general Game Password which all players will need to logon onto your Server.
As there was much confusion in version 1.6 about this password it was decided to have a special dedicated place for it.

This is whatever you want your server to be as the default game and UT2Vote will set this up for you.
Whatever game you are running the very first time you start UT2Vote it will use that name as your default.
This can be changed at any time by you logging on as Main or Server Admin then calling up the Admin Menu:

You will see a checkbox (Set as Default Game) - just tick it and hit submit.
Basically now what happens is every 2 minutes UT2Vote checks your server to see how it differs from the default.
If there are no players on the server and a voted mutator is running and its not the default game, it will switch
your server back to the default game and remove all voted Mutators and Arenas etc.
When the server switches back to DefaultGame automatically, it will always switch to its Default Map which is setup in its appropriate GameType - see Game Configurations.

Please Note..
this has changed from version 1.4 in that ONLY Mutators that will be common to ALL games must go in here. Individual Game Mutators you add in the Game Configurations. Also see Game Configurations on how to identify a ClassName as it is of paramount importance you have it correct.
If you have more than 1 Mutator, seperate them with a , (comma).
Please note also that the ServerMuts must only have Mutators in it.
If you have extra commandline parameters they must go in the ServerLine= - see next item.

All commandline paramaters (ie. ?AdminPassword=Whatever) that are common to all games must go here.
Also make sure the command paramter you set here is not duplicated in the individual game Command= line.
For instance you may want all games to have weaponstay as true so you would add here ?WeaponStay=True
Then maybe in one of the Games Command= you have ?WeaponStay=False - the second one will get the priority.
Every command parameter must start with a ? (question mark).


Setting these to True or False specifies whether they can be votable or not. Defaulted as True.

Defaulted to False, but setting it to True will disable the MapVoteMenu poping up at Game End and instead it will just momentarily display a < Mutate UT2VoteMenu to Vote > for the players information.

Defaulted to False, but setting it to True will force the little Yes/No VoteCast window to popup anytime during a game when someone decides to make a vote. Having this set to True can be very annoying to the game, but some prefer it that way :)

(Set to True as default)
This allows players to change their vote once during a voting session.

(Set to True as default)
This just tells UT2Vote whether players should have shoulder lights on during a DeathMatch game.
This has no effect on TeamGames.

If set to True, then the Tallyvotes will be overlayed on the Map Image.

If set to True the Bots will appear in the Kick Menu and can be voted out the game.

Set to True as default.
When set to True it will allow Players to use 3rd person viewing in the games. BehindView 1

(Set to False as default)
If set to True, all Adrenaline capsules will be disabled from the game.

(Set to False as default)
If set to True, all frag and Combo Adrenaline will be disabled.

(Set to False as default)
If set to True, then players can vote before the Game starts and while they are dead.

(Set to False as default)
If set to True, players will not be able to vote for a Restart at Game end.

(Set to False as default)
If set to True, then then all Mutators and non UT2Vote Games will not be seen in WebAdmin.
This is a safegaurd against Mutator clashing but should only be set to True if UT2Vote21.UT2Vote
is set in the server startup commandline.

(Set to False as default)
If set to True, then when a player makes a kickvote his nickname will remain anonymous and so will the players that voted Yes.

(Set to True as default)
With the many mutators now available and adding them all to the commandline sometimes causes UT2003 to lockup duting level changes. This function will eliminate this problem

(Set to False as default)
Will allow a single player on your server to switch Mutators

(Set to False as default)
Will allow a single player on your server to switch Arenas

(Set to True as default)
During the Game and once the Voting timelimit has expired and the play calls for the normal VoteMenu, the KickVote menu will pop up instead.

(Set to False as default)
This will disable UT3Vote Admins from starting a Demo recording.

(Set to True as default)
If True then the next function is available for setting the value.

Set to 100 as defaul
This can be set between 20 and 250 and effects the brightness of all Player and Bot skins.
Best effect is around 100.
Any value below 20 will disable this function and force it back to the UT default of 40
or 70 if you have bBrightSkins=True

(Set to 180 as default)
This is the time in seconds that UT2Vote waits for a map to be voted for.
Should a map not get voted for in the prescribed time, UT2Vote will display a message and switch to the next map on the list or just a random map.

(Set to 10 as default)
This is the time in minutes allowed from the START of a game that players can call a vote.

(Set to 40 as default)
Many players have complained on how the popup menu interrupts their Say messages at the end of the Game.
Basically what happens now is UT2Vote will first look to see that everyone has finished typing their messages before poping up the VoteMenu. In other words if anyone is typing a message when its time to popup the Menu, UT2Vote will send that person a message:
**** Finish your message - Voting Time ****
UT2Vote will now wait another 10 seconds before it checks again.
Everytime it checks for someone typing it will also check the TypeTime you set above and if this TypeTime has expired, the VoteMenu will popup regardless of who is still typing and send those people a message:
**** Sorry - Time Up ****

This is the time in seconds, the menu will wait before judging the votes.

The following settings are Ini file settings only and fall under the heading:


(Set to True as default)
When set to True, all player typed messages will appear in server log file
The format being:
UT2Vote_ChatLog: Date:Time - Nickname - Message

(Set to False as default)
Will allows the players Unique ID to be logged in the Chatlog

If set to True, then the ChatLogs will be appended to MapNames rather than one big log.

If set to True it will display when a Demo recording starts.

If set to True, this will display the Voted maps in Opinion order rather than Voted order.

If set to True, this will look through a players maplist to see if he has all the server maps.
Those maps he does not have will not be displayed in his Map List.

If set to True, then the UT2Vote Warmup in a ClanMatch will be disabled if TTM is running.

If set to True, then when a Map Menu is called, the clients Console will not be cancelled.

If set to True, then the GameName used in the GameType string will be displayed in the Games ScoreBoard.

If set to True, then after 3 minutes if there is no players on a server it will switch to the DefaultMap.

(Set to 1 as default)
The minimum amount of levels players can be kick banned for.

(Set to 99 as default)
The mmaximum amount of levels players can be kick banned for.

This is the accepted percentage to pass a vote ONLY during game voting.

The number of votes a player can make during a game.

This is the time in minutes from 0 to 9 that the server checks whether there are any players on the server and if not, switches to the Default Game and also if bSwitchDefMap=True to switch to the Default Map.
If DefaultSwitch=0 then this option will be disabled.

[Features] [Changes] [Installation] [General Config] [Basic Config] [Game Config] [Mutator Config] [Client Config] [Other Things] [Do's and Donots] [Known Bugs]