General Config
Basic Config
Game Config
Mutator Config
Client Config
Other Things
Do's and Donots
Known Bugs

Basic Installation

UT2Vote now comes as a complete package to the Admin, and needs to be installed correctly for everything to function properly, although if you do not have any extras the default setup should suffice.

The following files need to go in the UT2003 System folder:

UT2Vote21 needs to be added as a Mutator in your Server startup commandline as follows:

You also need to add UT2Vote21 as a Serverpackage in the servers UT2003.ini file:


Brief Setup

No other Mutators or ? commands should go in the Server startup line.
UT2Vote requires this information to be entered at the following places:

Any Mutators that you would normally add to your Server startup commandline, must go here.
For example:

Any commandline commands that you need for all games must go here, for example:

This is the Main Admin password and will give this Admin full rights to accessing anything in UT2Vote.

This password is for Clan Leaders who can setup the server for a dedicated ClanMatch.
This Admin will not have access to the general Admin settings of the server.

If the Games on your server requires ALL players to logon with a Game Password, that password should be entered here.

Whatever you choose to be your Server DefaultGame needs to be entered here.
If you leave it blank, UT2Vote will enter the game from which your Server first starts up in.
Example: DefaultGame=XGame.xDeathMatch
When players have all left your server and it is not in a default state, UT2Vote will switch your server to this Default Game State.

You are now ready to startup your Server.

Once your server is running, join the Game and login as Admin:

Mutate UT2VoteLogin (the VoteAdminPass)
Press the Map Menu Hotkey (normally set on the ScrolLock Key) and once the Menu is up, click on the Admin button and you will start seeing the world at your fingertips.
NB.. All Admin changes will need a level restart.

UT2Vote Startup Changes

UT2Vote now has the intelligence to know whether it started a level or some other means was used.
For instance, the Server was just restarted, or an Admin switched a level from WebAdmin, or the Server just timed out for some odd reason and selected some random level, UT2Vote sees this now and will initiate a UT2Vote Level Restart so all the correct parameters and configurations are used as WebAdmin or any other means of a Level Restart normally bypasses all the commandline etc.
So if you initiate a Level Restart from WebAdmin, the Level will actually restart twice, once from WebAdmin and a second time from UT2Vote.
In this way, the game always has the correct parameters set and that is why it is important that the Server Startup Commandline, the ServerMuts and the ServerLine is setup correctly in UT2Vote21.ini
See General Configurations for ServerMuts and ServerLine setup.

[Features] [Changes] [Installation] [General Config] [Basic Config] [Game Config] [Mutator Config] [Client Config] [Other Things] [Do's and Donots] [Known Bugs]